Monday 6 February 2012

Glossy Box

Ok... I caved and subscribed to Glossy Box.
I've been deliberating over subscribing to a beauty box for a while now. The idea appeals to me since I love trying new products and I also love receiving parcels in the post (who doesn't?!). I sat for hours reading reviews, watching vlogs etc. to try and work out which box seemed like my cup of tea, and settled with Glossy Box.

I'm not going to review the contents, since I got it late and there are plenty of reviews of this particular box already out there (Gemsmaquillage, LLYMLRS, The Sunday Girl to name but a few). I liked the Valentines Day theme and enjoyed most of the products included, however I can't say I see me using a green eyeliner much but to each their own. 

I'm definitely going to give Glossy Box a good chance before I make a full judgement. I'm not sure if my subscribing late and getting a box later than others would affect the content, but it has to be said I would have loved the Clarins samples. But then I suppose this is the gamble you run with beauty boxes that give different samples in different boxes.

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