Friday 27 January 2012

Bourgois Healthy Mix Foundation

Something I have noticed with age is my need for a good foundation. It brings a tear to my eye when I remember that up until I was 26, I was going fresh faced and foundation free. These days however, rarely a day goes by where I feel flawless enough to not cheat a little.

After having used Mac's Face and Body Make Up for about a year I have started to feel like it simply doesn't give enough coverage. Don't get me wrong it's perfect for summer when you generally look your best, and more importantly, want to avoid 'cake face' but during these cold winter months it just isn't doing it for me.

After having a little nose around, I decided to try the Bourgois Healthy Mix Foundation (I had originally wanted to try the Healthy Mix Serum but the shop I was in only carried it in 3 shades, none of which matched my skin tone). I've only been wearing this foundation for 3 days but it has won me over already. It has a good consistency, nice colour match and offers a bit more coverage than Mac Face and Body. I have however noticed it hasn't gone on well around a few dry patches on my face, which leads me to believe I should have gone for the Healthy Mix Serum. All in all a great drug-store foundation and it has me even more eager to try the Healthy Mix Serum.

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