Friday 10 February 2012

Bourjois Delice de Soleil

I admit to always being behind on the hyped products. I have always had this strange objection to hype, I do the same things with books and have stubbornly refused to read Harry Potter, The Twilight Saga etc. for this very reason. I would prefer to either discover it first or let the hype die down which is why I have only just tried Bourjois Delice de Soleil (Well that and the fact I've been trying to finish my age old Rimmel Sun Glow!).

I got the plastic compact version with the rotating mirror since I thought it was very practical, and would probably stand the test of time in my make up bag. I was a little concerned by the apparent abundance of glitter in the powder, and worried I might end up looking like a grubby glitter ball. However I was pleased to find this wasn't the case and much of the glitter didn't seem to either come out the powder onto the brush or stick to my skin. Either way... Happy days!

My only concern is the colour range, or lack there of. It only comes in 2 shades and I got the darker of the two, 'Olive/tanned skin' which just about shows up on my skin right now (my pasty winter skin tone). I worry that once spring/summer arrive and I have a little more colour to me, it might not show at all. I'm not sure if they are planning on adding any other shades or if this is our lot. We will see how this holds up once I get a little sunkissed, in the meantime I shall be using this to make it seem that I in fact am sunkissed.

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