Friday, 4 May 2012

May Lust List

Well aren't I being all inconsistent with the Lust List's?!
Thing is, I've been so busy I haven't had time to garner enough interest in anything to lust after it, as it were.
In fact the things I have been mostly lusting after recently have been kind of basic, or even repurchases. But I thought I would list them all the same just in case you were wondering... I'm sure you weren't!

  • BB Cream - Any! Would you believe I have yet to try one and after my best friend's rave review on the No. 17 BB Cream, I'm tempted to give it a whirl!
  • Mac Mineralise Skin Finish in Soft and Gentle - An oldie but a goodie!
  • Mac Strobe Cream - One of my best friends reminded me about this classic the other day. I used to use it religiously, then one day it ran out and I inexplicably never repurchased. (Slap on the wrist for me!)
  • Essie's Mint Candy Apple - I somehow managed to have this leak everywhere and the lid was stuck shut. I've since managed to prise it open but it's sadly gone gloopy and after seeing beautiful mint green nails everywhere, I'm in mourning.
  • Mac Russian Red - I've decided this is the perfect Red for me since going a little darker with my hair again.
I know that was more of a Mac list, but my lovely friend got me vouchers for my Birthday so I must have subconsciously been drawn to Mac.

I still have to go over all my lovely Birthday Beauty goodies, which I am making a promise to myself to get done.
Take care lovelies :)

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