Thursday 3 November 2011

Le Freak C'est Chic

Normally I would run from fragrance promoters and avoid them like the plague... But today I gave Freak the benefit of the doubt.It might have possibly been down to pity (the poor lass had been shoehorned into a rather unflattering pleather all in one) but I accepted her offer and tried the perfume.

The perfume in question is by the rather theatrical cosmetics company Illamasqua, and boy am I glad I tried it out. It's pretty much my perfect fragrance which, since finishing my last bottle of Narciso Rodriguez I have been on the hunt for.

I am very particular about fragrance but can never describe what it is I actually like, given that I am not very gifted in the 'Describe a smell' department. The only word I can use to describe what I like is 'creamy' which doesn't really help anyone. I like a musky perfume, yet hate spicy musk or vanilla musk... See not picky at all! It's easier for me to identify what I don't like but Narciso Rodriguez was sheer perfection to me and the good old cheapy Moschino Chic and Cheap was also a close second.

Babble aside Freak is a lovely soft, sweet smell with deep velvety smoth aroma's to it. The lady at the counter sprayed it on a tester card for me and at first I wasn't sold but once it was dried I couldn't stop smelling it. I went for dinner with a friend and kept having to get the card out for a sniff... It was love!
I went back to the counter after dinner to spray it on myself, as we all know perfumes can smell completely different on different people. This perfume is one of those fragrances that lingers and you keep getting a little whiff of every so often which is what I personally look for in a perfume. I love the thought of walking past people and them just catching a hint of the fragrance, but not so much it's overpowering, and Freak certainly does this.
And did I mention the bottle? It will look gorgeous on anyone's dressing table. It has the corner missing so it sits on a slant and has the cutest silver snail 'crawling' up the bottle.

Definitely a new favourite and 100% on the Christmas list.

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