Sunday 9 October 2011


I finally got a Tangle Teezer.
I've been thinking of getting one of these ever since I went blonde and combs stopped enjoying going through my wet hair. Anyone with chemically treated hair will understand me on this one, it's like fighting a losing battle. Except this little bad boy fights that battle for you.

I could bore you with the blurb on the packaging, but quite frankly why bother when I can tell you... It's bloody great!

I don't know how it works but it doesn't pull your hair at all, even when it's wet and knotty. Its palm-shaped design makes it easy to use, and it comes in different colours and designs.

As you can see I was drawn straight to the pink, and boy is it Pink!

Maybe I'll get the pocket sized one next, to throw in my bag with my 12 lip products! :)


  1. I have kinda wavy hair and it used to be really long so i had these major tangles in my hair, this product would have been great but, ive cut my hair shorter so there is no need, i will definitely recommend your blog this this product to my friends

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  2. Yes I have really long hair and this is an absolute god send. I'd be lost without it now!
