Saturday 8 October 2011


As the cold, dark nights roll in I'm starting to give in to winter. I did put up a bit of a fight at first, as did the weather (anyone not from the UK we had sunshine and 29c weather last weekend). I think what might have pushed me over the edge was All I Want For Christmas turning up on my iPod when I had it on shuffle. I'm not gonna lie, I left it on and had a little christmassy jig!

Anyway, so with winter comes glitter and sparkly things and as a magpie, these are two things I am drawn to. I only accidentally dropped in at Sally's Beauty supplies and spied the new
China Glaze "Metro" collection. I have to say I found the collection quite underwhelming except "CG In The City" which I had to have. It's a glitter polish which seems to be mainly silver but I think I see some purple glitter in it as well.

I also saw in the bargain bin they had
OPI "The Colour To Watch" from last Autumn's Swiss Collection and I thought the two would go so well together... So that's only what i've bloomin' well gone and done!

(L-R- China Glaze "CG In The City", OPI "The Colour To Watch")

(The two together...)

From the swatches I've seen I would definitely say "CG In The City" needs something under it as it's quite thin and doesn't seem to be a polish you can build into a solid glitter.
Hope you like it :)

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