Just a quick post which I suppose is a mini haul!I found out on Saturday that I had been a 'victim' of identity fraud. Which to you or I just means some chav nicked my card details and bought pizza and phone credit... Yes really!
So I did what anyone else would do, I indulged in a small spot of retail therapy.
I ended up in Superdrug hunting out a steal and was sucked in by Revlon's Facets of Fuchia. I'm sporting it as I type and it's so pretty. It's definitely an eye catcher, I've had many compliments and I've only had it on 2 days.

My second purchase was something I've toyed with for a while. I've seen the felt tip lip stains advertised and they never appealed to me. However with the recent gusty winds I have given up on gloss and sticky lipsticks as we all know they are enemies! I found one by NYC for a mere £2.99 so thought if give it a go.
I hate to say it but I'm not very impressed. I'm not sure if I picked up a dud but it seems as if it's dried out, which seems odd having only used it twice. Also unless I have picked the wrong shade it doesn't seem to have much colour pay off. I'm not going to judge on that though since I have quite highly pigmented lips. I will definitely have to try another shade before I make a proper judgement!
A new item for my lust list I've decided is the new magnetic nail polishes. I'm very intrigued by these so will definitely be giving them a little test run. Anyone have any brand reccomendations?