Wednesday 26 October 2011

A Quickie!

Just a quick post which I suppose is a mini haul!I found out on Saturday that I had been a 'victim' of identity fraud. Which to you or I just means some chav nicked my card details and bought pizza and phone credit... Yes really!

So I did what anyone else would do, I indulged in a small spot of retail therapy.

I ended up in Superdrug hunting out a steal and was sucked in by Revlon's Facets of Fuchia
. I'm sporting it as I type and it's so pretty. It's definitely an eye catcher, I've had many compliments and I've only had it on 2 days.

My second purchase was something I've toyed with for a while. I've seen the felt tip lip stains advertised and they never appealed to me. However with the recent gusty winds I have given up on gloss and sticky lipsticks as we all know they are enemies! I found one by NYC for a mere £2.99 so thought if give it a go.

I hate to say it but I'm not very impressed. I'm not sure if I picked up a dud but it seems as if it's dried out, which seems odd having only used it twice. Also unless I have picked the wrong shade it doesn't seem to have much colour pay off. I'm not going to judge on that though since I have quite highly pigmented lips. I will definitely have to try another shade before I make a proper judgement!

A new item for my lust list I've decided is the new magnetic nail polishes. I'm very intrigued by these so will definitely be giving them a little test run. Anyone have any brand reccomendations?

Thursday 20 October 2011


Not sure I really understand bloglovin' yet... But I thought I'd at least sign up.
That really is as exciting as this post gets! :)

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Winter Warmers

I've said it before, I'm not a winter kind of girl. Given the choice I would bed down and hibernate all winter, like some of our wiser mammal friends. I hate the shorter days, I hate the way the weather affects my skin and lips and I HATE having to wear a coat. BAH HUMBUG!

But noone can deny that winter time (specifically Christmas) is when the prettiest of limited edition beauty treasures arrive. Sparkling, shining and ready to lure you into believing you NEED it in your Christmas stocking.

And noone could offer a finer example than China Glaze with their "Let It Snow" collection. Twinkle Lights being the stand colour for me, although interestingly similar to Rainbow Connection from the OPI Muppets collection. From what I can see from pictures, Rainbow Connection has larger pieces of glitter which could possibly make a solid glitter nail slightly easier to achieve. I also like the look of Poinsettia from the "Let It Snow" collection since I've got a new found obsession with bright or blood reds (Or "Slapper Red" as my Aunty likes to call it).

Uemura also offered a very short teaser video of their "Wong Kar Wai Holiday 2011" Collection. All the gold glitter makes me feel all Christmassy...

The collection is said to contain 2 different sets of limited edition lashes along with a glitter mascara and various other sparklies!

So have I made myself clear on this post?... My name is Ruth and I have a glitter addiction!

Sunday 9 October 2011


I finally got a Tangle Teezer.
I've been thinking of getting one of these ever since I went blonde and combs stopped enjoying going through my wet hair. Anyone with chemically treated hair will understand me on this one, it's like fighting a losing battle. Except this little bad boy fights that battle for you.

I could bore you with the blurb on the packaging, but quite frankly why bother when I can tell you... It's bloody great!

I don't know how it works but it doesn't pull your hair at all, even when it's wet and knotty. Its palm-shaped design makes it easy to use, and it comes in different colours and designs.

As you can see I was drawn straight to the pink, and boy is it Pink!

Maybe I'll get the pocket sized one next, to throw in my bag with my 12 lip products! :)

Saturday 8 October 2011


As the cold, dark nights roll in I'm starting to give in to winter. I did put up a bit of a fight at first, as did the weather (anyone not from the UK we had sunshine and 29c weather last weekend). I think what might have pushed me over the edge was All I Want For Christmas turning up on my iPod when I had it on shuffle. I'm not gonna lie, I left it on and had a little christmassy jig!

Anyway, so with winter comes glitter and sparkly things and as a magpie, these are two things I am drawn to. I only accidentally dropped in at Sally's Beauty supplies and spied the new
China Glaze "Metro" collection. I have to say I found the collection quite underwhelming except "CG In The City" which I had to have. It's a glitter polish which seems to be mainly silver but I think I see some purple glitter in it as well.

I also saw in the bargain bin they had
OPI "The Colour To Watch" from last Autumn's Swiss Collection and I thought the two would go so well together... So that's only what i've bloomin' well gone and done!

(L-R- China Glaze "CG In The City", OPI "The Colour To Watch")

(The two together...)

From the swatches I've seen I would definitely say "CG In The City" needs something under it as it's quite thin and doesn't seem to be a polish you can build into a solid glitter.
Hope you like it :)

What's in my bag?...Lip products!!

I've seen plenty of "whats in my bag" blogs and vlogs recently and thought, 'if the contents of my bag weren't so boring, I might be tempted to join in the fun'.

When I had a little peek to see just how boring it was, I was horrified at just how many lipsticks and lipglosses I had in there. It was somewhat of a reunion for me with some of the lipsticks in there so all in all it was worth it.

I'm almost ashamed to admit I had 12 lip products in my bag! (see below)

(L-R, top row- Sleek Sheen Lipstick "Coral Reef", No.17 Mirror Shine Lipstick "Bee Hive", Mac "Viva Glam GaGa", Mac "Ever Hip, Mac Pro Longwear "Love Forever!", Revlon Lipgloss "Peach Petal", Bare Escentuals Buxom Lips "Eva", Lancome lipgloss "024", Collection 2000 Cream Puff "Cotton Candy", Pop lipgloss, no idea what colour as writing has all rubbed off!.
Bottom Row - Burt's Bees Radience Lip Shimmer and a trusty tin of Aloe Vaseline)

Hey, a girl has to have a choice!

Am I the only one who hoards lipsticks in my handbag?