Wednesday 21 March 2012

Collection 2000 Pump Up The Volume

Collection 2000 has really been excelling itself as a brand recently. To me, Collection 2000 brings back memories of going to Boots and spending my pocket money on any kind of make up I could afford. As I have got older I have tended to stick with the notion that something that is more expensive is usually better quality. While this rule usually stands the test of time there are always exceptions to the rule, with Collection 2000 being that exception.

Everyone loves their Lasting Perfection Concealer which at £4.19 really is a steal when you compare it with its Mac counterpart. The product I have most recently fallen for though is their Pump Up The Volume Mascara. I don't usually rave about Mascara's because I feel like unless they are terrible (flake off, smudge etc.) I just can't notice any difference between them. This mascara however was different. It really lengthened and curled my lashes which is what most people want from their mascara and all for under a fiver (4.99).

If you can get past the ginormous wand applicator you will love it (early morning application of this, paired with hooded lids can be tricky). The only minor gripe I have, and this may well be down to my clumsy hands, but the mascara from the wand leaks over the side when you put the wand back in the tube. This excess mascara then oozes out when you screw it shut. Does this happen to anyone else or am I just a numpty?

P.s. Spring has officially sprung so it was about time Essie's Mint Candy Apple got an outing!

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