Thursday 23 February 2012

Beauty Pet Peeves and How To Avoid Them!

The Only Way Is Essex... Everyone loves the entertainment it brings and I love it as much as the next person, but boy are there a lot of beauty sins going on.

Now call this a disclaimer if you will, but I really don't consider myself an expert in any way, shape or form this is just a silly tongue in cheek lowdown of my biggest beauty pet peeves. Who knows, my list of pet peeves might be the next persons beauty aspirations but like I say, all good fun! So here are my biggest beauty pet peeves :

- Wonky false eyelashes

Lydia from TOWIE, in fact most of the female cast of TOWIE are repeat offenders. There is no need for this to be happening. 
Tip: Everyone has different sized eyes, yet false lashes come in one size only. Make sure you measure your strip lashes against your eyes and trim to fit. Another reason this can happen, is if you don't bend your strip lashes enough to make them a little more flexible. A good way to do this is to wrap your strip lashes around a make up brush (before putting the glue on of course). This will help when you try to bend them to the natural curve of your eye instead of them going across in a straight line.

- Cake face, and whilst we're on the subject, tide lines.

More isn't always more. Too many layers of badly blended product can result in the dreaded 'Cake Face'. Alternatively as pictured even few layers of badly blended product can produce equally terrifying results.
Tip: Whenever possible apply make up in natural light. This is how the world will mainly be seeing you for the day so it kind of makes sense. Make sure to take some product down onto the neck and if you're going a shade darker, don't forget your ears. Blend, blend, blend... Nothing more needs to be added to this other than BLEND!

- Chipped nail polish

I'm such a nail perfectionist I can't even look at this picture! Nothing makes me smile more than a beautifully manicured nail and it takes 2 seconds to take chipped polish off so there are no excuses. Naked nails look far better than chipped nails.
Tip: If you're prone to chipped nail polish, just take a packet of on the go nail polish remover pads in your bag. Easy peasy...

- Tadpole eyebrows

So wrong... Apologies to anyone actually born with this shape brow (is that even possible?) but there really is no need. Eyebrows frame your face... Do you really want two tadpoles framing your face? I'm guessing the answer to this question is no.
Tip: This one might take some work but my best advice is to book yourself in for an HD Brows consultation. They can work miracles. It may require some growing out but in the meantime Benefit's Brow-Zing is your friend.

- Unblended contouring

The thing with make up is it's supposed to enhance what you already have in a subtle way. If done badly, contouring can look like you are out on a dodgy 'Army' themed Hen-Do with camouflage war paint drawn on.
Tip: As mentioned above with foundation, less is more. It's better to build up from a barely there look, than to put way to much on to begin with and struggle to blend it out. You will just look like you need a good wash!

So that's my round up of beauty pet peeves and I hope you enjoyed. As I said before I am not claiming to be the oracle of beauty, just thought it would be a bit of fun to brighten everyone's Thursday morning.

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